Monday, February 23, 2009

Movie Maker--View a Re-Imagination of Chapter 14 of The Scarlet Letter is a movie making site that you will be using to recreate a scene between two characters or a monologue of one character. You will need to use Firefox to use this site.

Here is what you need to do for yours:
-Go to Firefox
-Set up your own account
-Choose what kinds of "actors" you would like to use for your assigned characters
-Keep dialogue relevant to the plot of the assigned chapter
-Be creative! This does not have to be word-for-word from the book, but give them voices that are realistic to the character and the situation.
-It must be about 1 minute long.

We will be sharing these in class!

Check out Ms. Biondi's version of "Hester and the Leech" from Chapter 14:
Hope the link works and I hope you enjoy the film!