Here is an interesting article about the positive and negative assumptions of Generation Y (those born within 1978-1995) and how this writer believes they will handle the years to come.
Tell me what your thoughts are on Generation Y and your beliefs as to what they will bring to such an unsure future that lies ahead of us all. Please note that you all are a part of Generation Y, so be sure to look at this from the group as a whole, but also in how it relates to you and what you intend on accomplishing in your future.
When you are finished with that, begin working on finding your own topics for your blog.
---> Post about a particular topic that you find interesting. How do you do this? Look up that topic and find a site (preferably an article) that presents it and try to capture your reader's attention. Make your readers invested into the main ideas and make them want to read the article themselves, even though you will also be giving them a thorough explanation (2-3 paragraphs, including your thoughts). In other words, write enough so that they don't have to read it but write with such enthusiasm to make them want to read it.
- Sites to consider during this: Newsweek, CNN, NY Times, YahooNews, etc...
I think that generation Y is amazing. I agree that we are much more sufficient than the generations before us. I know that school more difficult and I know that kids are much more aware of the real world. I personally think that the reason the generation before us has economic issues is because talk with your teens and young adults about economics was taboo. I know economics was never discussed in my parent’s homes when they were kids. I think that because we are less sheltered we will be much more ready to go into the real world. And just because we aren't sexually repressed doesn’t mean we are heathens. It obviously saved us from crisis like the Salem witch trials. I think gen Y is going to be a successful generation if not the greatest. Our generation is open-minded and we don't discriminate, like our parents and grandparents. GEN Y !!!! :]]
ReplyDeleteI think that Generation Y, is a declining generation. I think that our future is an unosure one because I dont think that this generation is as prepared as the other generations was to dealing with hardships. Other generations had world wars and mass confusion, that just trickled into generation y, but other generations always dealed with our problems. I just dont think that the youth of this country is ready to handle all of the current problems and if we do, it would be the same as the previous generation, because thats all we know. Maybe its good that we are so different, maybe we will be able to take old problems and inivate new solutions. I guess we will find out...
ReplyDeleteThe stereotype of the current teenagers are seen in the article about Gneration Y. This article gives our generation hope for the years to come. It helps turn the things that many adults look down upon and turn those traits into useful tools for the future. It talks of the next Great Generation and the greatness is defined with the things that the generation goes through. Our generation has a lot to work on and fix. The falling economy, the War on Terror, and in Iraq are just some of the major issues that the millenials have to deal with in the upcoming years. This generation may even rival that of the "Greatest Generation" that went through the Great Depression and WWII. We may face evn more challenges and hardships than any other generation and we will succeed beyond all exspectations.
ReplyDeleteI think that the fundamental ideals of this article are in fact true. I think that our generation is well adapt and capable of handling many extreme factors that we are indeed going to encounter later in life. Sure some of the other generations before ours have endured rough events but , like the article said, we have had the attack on 9/11 and we are still in a war with Iraq!!, AND we still have more life to go!!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with this article on Generation Y. The author of this article has some pretty good points about our individuality and being self-sufficient. Our generation is definately way different than the generations before us. We have had a lot of fear and a very very long war to have to deal with. We also have more technology then they had before us and I feel that we all use it very efficiently. We also have made a lot of big contributions to our world today, like electing the first black president. We have accomplished so much in generation Y it's almost hard to believe. I definatley agree with the author on everything she said. Generation Y is going to make a difference in our future whether the "Great Generation" likes it or not. :)
ReplyDeleteI believe that this article brings out some very accurate points about this "Generation Y". Yes, we are seen as lazy individuals but there is a lot of potential in this generation to become great leaders. Most people don't see just how much this generation has gone through. We have seen the war in Iraq, the bombing on Sept. 11th, and the recession we are currently in. If we can get through this mess that we are in, it will prove that we may become this "Greatest Generation" as they call it. I have seen a lot of great leaders emerge from this generation and I believe that we will hold a bright future for America, and the World. In my future, I intend on accomplishing all that I can. Grades are an important part of my life and I also intend on getting a good education by going to college. I wish to give all that I can for the soon-to-be Greatest Generation.
ReplyDeleteI think generation-Y more devoted to becoming something in these bad econmic times. We tend to be more lazier then other generations. Most of us would rather sit on the computer and listen to music while using faceboook or myspace. But its hard to do much when the economy around you is faltering. i think we as a whole generation are very dedicated to advanceing and fixing our problems. I think we will bring dedication and an advancement in technology and other aspects of life. People say we are resilient but we have had alot more hard times like 911 and this resession that make things harder to live with. But our generation is very determined and positive about surpassing these hardships and moving on into more more great pleasable things in the future.
ReplyDeleteI think that our generation, generation Y, is being judged to soon and to harshly. Our generation does have its problems but so did generation X and so on. Our problems are just more evident because they are put on the internet and on T.V. unlike many of the problems that earlier generations had. I do think it is wrong to judge our generation on the actions of some people and not look at the whole generation and everyone in it. I also believe that we can turn our generation around by supporting each other and helping each other out.
ReplyDeleteI think that only certain people are going to be affected enough by major events in their life to the fact that their entire life is changed. The whole idea that September 11th is supposively defining us and making us feel terrified of everything is silly. I do agree with the part about technologies, such as internet profiles and iPods and things like that, are making us shut out the rest of the world. But the author makes it sound like those things are making the world better, by creating individualism, but I think that they are just making us more reliant on superficial things, rather than ourselves and our own drive. That only strengthens the idea of stereotypical teenagers. As long as these things continue the way they are, it is only going to get worse in the future generations. Yeah, our generation does have more individuality, but that isn't necessarily a good thing.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts on the generation (y) is i know we may seem lazy and lathargic at times , but not all of us are like that. Its just how the world today views us as a whole. when in reality they should be seeing what we do as indiviuals. In some cases we shouldn't just go on what we do as individuals either but as a whole. also i think that are generations going to have a uplifting future due to all the technology we have but there will be hardships due to the ecnomic crisis and the lost of jobs. this is our generation we get to choose what we do in our lives. we also choose what happens to our country by being the next in line to follow our parents in the working class of America. so I say give us a chance to show what we can do and do not be quick to judge us as a whole, a indiviual or whatever else you can think of. You had your moment now let us have ours. life is too short to live to waste time on pointless matters. So lets us do what we can while we are still living not when were dead or obsolete.
ReplyDeleteI can not stand being a teenager in the Generation Y. I feel like everything the media says is negative. It's always something: gas prices, terrorism, racism, another depression, abuse, murder, etc. It creates stress in all of the teenagers who have to deal with their stressed out parents everyday. It is like the snowball effect; it just gets worse and worse.
ReplyDeleteHopefully Obama will stimulate the economy and get the US back on our feet as he claims he will do. I would love to grow up in a "carefree" environment and worry about stress later in life when I actually have to. I dont want to grow up in a society defined with a negative connotation.
chelsea <333333
I believe that Generation Y is somewhat lazier than the past generations I have learned about. It has plenty that it can be proud of; we have made technological advances that we probably never had dreamed of before. However, I do believe that the generation does need to not have as big of a head about things as it does. However, as the article stated, I think that what the people in Generation Y are ridiculed for is what can maybe help us get out of the economic recession. I believe and hope that Generation Y will continue to make advances.
ReplyDeleteThe "Y generation" is going to affect our future just like every new generation effects their future. In todays world we have way different wiews/morals than past generations. It will be interesting to see how our generation changes the world. The article did bring up some good points on a lot of our generations behavior. How most people dont want do do anything, but want everything in return. That people spend more time inside on the computer or video games than they do working or spending time outside. I feel that if we continue down the path that most people are taking, then our future is not going to be too bright.
ReplyDeleteI believe the Great Generation is a prime example of how the United States can deal with problems throughout our own country and as well as the world. Not only did they go through the Great Depression but World War II as well. Those are probably the two most events that affected the United States ever!! I believe there's no comparison with the Great Generation and Generation Y. Although i like our generation, we are so much weaker than the Great Generation. I really don't think i could live in any other generation though. I wouldnt know how to live in any other generation. Ok maybe i could live in the 50's or 60's, but i like this generation due to all the technology and everything. Peace out!!!!
ReplyDelete-Andrew R
My thoughts on generation Y is that its true unfortunetly. Too many of us worry about social networks instead of like education and other important things. Basically its like a slap to the face to us, because we are acting pathetic and lazy. We need to step up get an education help our country who needs help right now.
ReplyDeleteGeneration Y is very Different from the generation before us. The generation before seemed to work harder to get any job they had to, to support their family. Now a days, more people strive to better educate themselves. More people are going to college after highschool, so they can learn more about the field that they wish to obtain a career in. We have begun to slack off some. Less teenager now a days don't get jobs while they're in school. One reason for this is that school has become increasingly more difficult, so it's more time consuming. Another big reason is that we are just lazy and have been spoiled by our parents. A positive thing about our generation, is that we have learned to use technology for many uses. We have learned to use technology for things such as finding information online, paying bills online, and communicating with each like by using cell phones and e-mails. I believe that even though we might be a little lazy, we are making up for it in other ways. We gone through a few rough times such as 911, but incidents like that make us grow and learn, to become a better generation, such as how we have become more self sufficient.
ReplyDeleteGeneration Y gets a bad reputation, but every generation has had adults that thought that the younger generation was lazier and more indulgent. Even the so called "greatest generation" was probably viewed as overly independent and lazy by their parents. This generation is more optimistic and independent than other generations, which will help us to get out of this recession. Also, it's hard to really catagorize an entire generation of people. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and have different motivations, so saying that a whole generation is lazy is a stereotype that isn't true for everyone. Plus, it is our ability to believe in ourselves is the biggest thing that separates us from previous generations, which isn't really a bad thing. It gives us hope for the future, even when there really doesn't seem much hope for the future.
ReplyDeleteI believe that generation Y is full of people who are afraid to voice their opinions. They base their opinions off of what their peers think about world matters. I agree 100% that this is the most lazy generation in history. People are afraid to stand up and make a change solely because its not what the cool kids are doing. and god forbid we arent cool while trying to change the world. Dont get me wrong, there are plenty of people who are into making a change with the ONE campaigns and helpimg out the struggle in Darfur. The sad thing is there are a large portion of people who are completely apathetic. They just sit on their butts and complain about their lives when their wearing fresh shoes and the latest brand name clothing. I was definitely born in the wrong generation.
The most important sentence in this article would be "Forget the uselessness of writing off an entire generation before its members have even had the chance to do anything with their lives..." There is no way to define my generation considering it has not aged enough, and I am more or less insulted by the generalizations made about our inevitable inability to deal with the years to come (a point made in the first half of the article). No one doubts that Generation Y is somewhat spoiled, but this is because this wealth and freedom is made available to us by the older generations. No one in any former generation would have refused the freedoms we now hold. Some points made in the article are acceptable, though. My generation (particularly those born in the same decade as me) are definitely way too reliant on cell phones and social networking to function; this immediate availability of communication has created a generation that tends to not care about more important affairs, and relies too greatly on the media to form opinions that should otherwise be made through careful consideration.
ReplyDeleteI think the common picture that's painted of Generation Y, regardless of whether it's right or wrong, is useless to consider. As the author of this article said, every generation is criticized for something, whether it be dancing the Charleston or the Hippie Movement, but that doesn't determine the lives of every person within the Generation.
ReplyDeleteSure, some Gen Y-ers are too dependent on technology, and are too whiney, despite all of the opportunities we have available, and some definitely have short attention spans, but those are the worst people of our generation. I know plenty of people who are exceptions and who work to make our generation the new "Greatest."
The technology that we have at our hands, whether older generations choose to see it or not, is beneficial to our future. The way things "used to be" can't always be applied to current times-- this isn't the time it used to be and it never will be again. Our generation definitely isn't comprised of all self-indulgent, brainless individuals; who we are and what we have to contribute to the world has yet to be seen.
I'm extremely bothered by the fact that so many people have a negative outlook on our generation. They all say we dont work as hard as the ones before us or we spend too much time on computers and with technology. But our generation has to use technology. A lot of our school work and communication techniques are online. And our parents nad the other generations before us didn;t have as much work in school, so they could work harder. We have classes now that were equivalent to the ones our paretns would take in college, and thats just for a highschool class. A lot of people my age don't work because they are focused on the important things, like getting into college. Our parents and the generations before that didnt have to worry about that as much. I know that every generation had its own hardtimes and so do we. All these critics act like all we do is sit around and do nothing all day when in fact, most of my friends barely EVER have time to do anything social, when my parents went and partied hard every weekend. I think we are doing a lot of productive things as a generation and it seems like we only get credited for the bad things we do. I would love to live in a time when nothing mattered. THat time never existed because theres always times when people are worried about what might come next.
ReplyDeleteWell...first off, I did not even know that our generation had a title. I mean who really accepts these titles and furthermore who creates them? Can anyone say "hey lets call this time span the 'failure generation' and basically I predict that they are going to fail in life and never live up to the standards of their parents?" Really!! That is rude and the sad thing is that people accept this far-fetched idea and take the label as a "must have" rather than a choice. As being part of this so called "Y-Generation," I say we are doing a pretty darn good job keeping our spirits and hopes up considering all the things that have happened. I am sorry that we are so active and that we are constantly on the move, but in a way you kind of have to in this day and time just to make it to the next. Yes, we may be users of technology and yes we may be living in a tough economic time, but that doesn't give others the right to judge the books' cover too quickly. I strongly believe in "riding things through till the end" because you never know what the outcome will be. Everyone has rough patches and for our generation we had things such as 9-11, but you can't let those occurrences get you down and you simply must keep moving on. I am shocked at the statement about how we will not lead lives better than those our parents. I mean dang! You sure are optimistic. Honestly, this article made me mad and I commend the woman who wrote it for sticking up for our generation. No-one is a failure unless they simply do not try at all. I for one have always and will always put everything that I possibly can into everything I do. No matter how big the task or how small, I will do it to the best of my ability and come out victorious in the end. I, along with all the others in the so-called "Generation Y" who truly care for their futures, will be just as successful or possibly more than those before us and we will prove all those who judged negatively against us wrong!!!!!! dun dun dun duhhh :)
ReplyDeleteI believe that the generation Y is a very true concept and is unfortunate. We should all be like our ancestors and invest in our future by not being so self indulgent and constantly worrying about what we can gain in life. Everyone seems to be about themselves these days; a lot of the factors of this generation seem to be from media which influences the young. I hope that one day our generation will evolve into people of our past and we focus on the greater good in life and helping people. I hope we one day realize that life isn't how much you can gain...but how much you can offer to the world!