Thursday, March 26, 2009

Generation Y --Are you ready?

In the upcoming pieces we will be reading within class, we will also be exploring the concept of the American Dream and how it relates to you.

Here is an interesting article about the positive and negative assumptions of Generation Y (those born within 1978-1995) and how this writer believes they will handle the years to come.

Tell me what your thoughts are on Generation Y and your beliefs as to what they will bring to such an unsure future that lies ahead of us all. Please note that you all are a part of Generation Y, so be sure to look at this from the group as a whole, but also in how it relates to you and what you intend on accomplishing in your future.

When you are finished with that, begin working on finding your own topics for your blog.
---> Post about a particular topic that you find interesting. How do you do this? Look up that topic and find a site (preferably an article) that presents it and try to capture your reader's attention. Make your readers invested into the main ideas and make them want to read the article themselves, even though you will also be giving them a thorough explanation (2-3 paragraphs, including your thoughts). In other words, write enough so that they don't have to read it but write with such enthusiasm to make them want to read it.
  • Sites to consider during this: Newsweek, CNN, NY Times, YahooNews, etc...